Those who wish to conduct research as Research Students * at Kobe City University of Foreign Studies have three ways to apply for a scholarship.

Embassy Recommendation

- Recommended by a Japanese embassy or consulate general in your country.
Please inquire at the Japanese embassy or consulate general in your country for details.
To obtain a letter of acceptance, click here

Enrollment Period

MEXT students will enter our university as research students (non-degree program). Enrollment period as research students is as below.

?Research Students → Master's Program Students→ Doctoral Program Students
Arrival in Japan in April: For a year or two years
Arrival in Japan in October: For six months or a year and a half

?Research Students → Doctoral Program Students
Arrival in Japan in April: For a year*
Arrival in Japan in October: For six months or a year and a half
*In order to extend the term of the scholarship, the enrollment period as research students should be within a year and a half.

MEXT students need to pass the examination of your desired graduate school while conducting research as research students to enter Master's Program or Doctoral Program.
In addition to that, students are also required to pass the examination held by MEXT to extend the term of the scholarship.

University Recommendation

- Recommended by the Japanese university which will accept you.
We recommend scholarship students only among exchange students who belong to the university which has an academic exchange agreement with our university.

Domestic Selection

-Selected by the Japanese university in which you are currently enrolled if you are a privately financed student already studying in Japan

*Research Students
You must be under 35 years of age and a university graduate (includes prospective graduates).
Or you must have completed 16 years of schooling.